Serious intercourse in the dentist's clinic where I am being treated! Scaling] During dental treatment. After touching the patient's unprotected body with a bad fingertips and making it feel greedy, you will be tinkering with the nipple over the front! If you enjoy the reaction to the fullest, it will secretly fire an abortion with handcuffs. [Brushing] During toothpaste instruction. Interior insertion service that puts your chest on the patient and tempts him to try his reaction, then crouches into Chikupo, where he flings around in the hospital and is exterminated many times. Rentgen: “The two of you are excited in a place like this ♪” I stuck my body in the X-ray room and was tempted to pull halfway. When it grows with a thick tangent, it sticks out its ass and quietly voices Gaman FUCK! Don't make a voice: A charming dental clinic, four books in total.