It is a story of two mothers and children. Tatsuo Okamura is a son who goes to university in Tokyo and lives alone. In order to rebuild the house, his cousin Masar KUSUMURA and his aunt Tomomi KUSUNOMURA were the families of Yuki OKAMURA, who was his mother. In other words, he lives in Tatsuo's family. One day, Tatsuo returned home as originally planned, but he was forced to be sexually excited about his mother, and after a jealous delusion, he committed sexual acts many times and went out of the house. At the same time, Masaru lived a day in which his mother, Tomomi KUWAMURA, was forced to wear an unpleasant costume. Then, he also witnessed his mother and son Atsutane of the Okamura family. And after a shot, Masar tried to get a plan for Tatsuo who came out of the room.

