The daughter and wife returned home, and Reiko was pleased at the reunion after a long time. Reiko gave massage to his husband's husband to heal the fatigue of the long journey. During the massage, Reiko stops her husband's half body. It is a thing that can be understood even from the top of the pants. Reiko doubted her eyes, but she had no choice but to care for her husband. The other day, my husband tried to make husband and wife life after a long time. Decatin of a husband's husband who had a feeling of anguish. Reiko was caught in an earnest delusion. Moreover, Reiko has the desire to live and want to see her husband's soul. At that time, husband and daughter went out and alone. Even the tea was heard, but the husband was sleeping. There is a husband's husband in the eyes of Reiko who tries to hang the talkie. Even if I thought it was not necessary, I was not able to win the temptation of decapin, and was stuck to the lower half of my husband...