The girl who turns into the cheerleading girl Titian sapphire in the condition of making cheerleading part, and the girl fighting the demon who is born in the school, Yuki Yagi. Although she is a warrior, she is also a girl who is in love with her. She makes a cheerleading club to support the Shindo of the soccer club, and scouts the former softball Club Amano and Hiromi sawa of the former swimming club. However, the magic crunch who knows about it turns the ghost to the killer Keller, the magic blue to the magic jar, and the sea of the sea. Titian sapphire, who knew that the true form of the magic was a makeshift, was defeated in the three bodies without being able to fight satisfactorily, and defeated and confined. It is severely damaged by the Keller, and the body is touched. You can regain sanity to the desperate action of CheA sapphire, but can cheer sapphire rescue three people and defeat the magic Kun? Bad end