This work is posted from a mother and mother (mother 48 years old and son 22 years old). Mother grew up as a president of the company, and he married a male employee of the father's company (now president of the company). A life full of sailing like everyone envied by a strange event. She has discovered a private DVD in which the son of a woman of the same age who had been concealed by a woman of the same age has been tormented by the large porn SM porn... In addition, there was a figure of the son who murmured the woman "murmur..." while the woman in the picture. The son who had known the secret desire asked the mother intentionally as if she cut the weir, and mother finally accepted the son. It was only an introduction to a nightmare, and a son with a sm preference hit a metamorphosis. The mother wakes up to the delightful pleasure while accepting the faint act of handling sex guy. In the second chapter, the state of being trained to others by the order of the son awakened to the lending training was arranged. There are some who participate in the childhood friend of the child who knows from the kindergarten. See the precious records of snoring mother and child love.